Bad Guys, Good Guys, Bad Guys.


  • November 2, 2023 at 12:26 am

    That crash damage hasn’t hurt the hotness much has it?

  • November 2, 2023 at 12:30 am

    And didn’t they work on the brain? Good work by those docs because the brainpower ain’t hurt either…how many 19 year olds retain and repeat that kind of parental knowledge and learnin’, and carry it right on through the tragedy?

  • November 2, 2023 at 12:48 am

    While the rest of the world was busy killing each other off in tribalist blood feuds, or pursuing exotic philosophies at the expense of common sense, “old white guys” were figuring out how the world, and universe, really works, and then putting things together based on that. You don’t create a steam engine by “contemplating the ineffable”- or bashing your neighbor’s head in with a knobkerrie.

    China could also have been great in the inventive way. But the combination of a hydraulic state (qv) and an obsession with mysticism sent it up a blind alley that it has really never left.

    A thousand years ago, Confucian philosophers decided who was admitted to the Chinese civil service, based not on their qualifications, but on the quality of their poetry and how well they could debate the issue of the chi. (meaning, agreeing with the Confucian philosophers.)

    Today, the criteria is a “deep understanding of the sublime thoughts of Chairman Mao- as interpreted by the Great Leader Xi”.

    As Doyle might say, a difference, which makes no difference, is no difference.

    The ironic part is that, if not for the inventions and innovations created by those despised “old dead white guys”, the rest of the world would generally still be squatting around bonfires in front of mud huts. Not knowing about anything that happened more than a day’s walk from their patch, and likely dying by age forty at the latest.

    And spending the intervening time killing each other with wooden clubs.

    The scary part is how many of our “enlightened elite'” would define that as Utopia. For everyone but themselves.

    clear ether


    • November 2, 2023 at 1:52 am

      It was the same folks who eventually figured out owning other people (slavery) was morally wrong, and largely the same “white folks” who put an end to it.

      • November 2, 2023 at 8:51 am

        For a good look at the British Abolitionist movement, see the movie “Amazing Grace”. It features the work by William Wilberforce to abolish the Slave trade. Between 1789 and 1807, Wilberforce raised 12 parliamentary bills to ban the slave trade, succeeding on the last attempt.

        Zar Belk!

      • November 2, 2023 at 9:06 am

        Except for Islamists and a few other groups scattered around the world. That does include the xUS of A as we, allow? – encourage- the cartels to slave people working to pay them for getting them here. Then there is the slavery of girls/women into sex trade here and traveling through to other countries. Open border, attracting every evil.

      • November 2, 2023 at 11:45 am

        Correct; and not because of some bullshit made up excuse for stealing the land, assets, and freedoms of a separate sovereign republic…

    • November 2, 2023 at 2:09 am

      ‘Today, the criteria is a “deep understanding of the sublime thoughts of Chairman Mao- as interpreted by the Great Leader Xi”.’

      Who is to say… if we had imposed similar civil service tests on applicants’ understanding of the sublime thoughts of Thomas Jefferson, instead of hiring every wackadoo who has read Alinsky or Kendi, we wouldn’t be in the straits we are in now.

      • November 2, 2023 at 2:22 am

        “Civics” and “American history” were supposed to take care of that in K-12.

        It worked as long as the colleges produced teachers who understood the material.

        It went sideways when the Marxists took over the colleges.

        I had teachers in K-12 who were on both sides of that divide, from 1964 to 1976.

        The most virulent Marxists were the ones who had graduated from college before 1950.

        The serious and reasonable ones were the 1951-63 graduates, many of them military veterans.

        The 1965 and later crop were mainly dopers, stoners, and party animals.

        clear ether


      • November 2, 2023 at 1:19 pm

        eon, I don’t doubt your historical pronouncements but this one caught be a bit by surprise…

        “The most virulent Marxists were the ones who had graduated from college before 1950.”

        Can you expound a bit?

      • November 2, 2023 at 3:16 pm


        The pre-1950 graduates were the ones who had been Eugene V. Debs brand socialists and Stalin fans from WW1 up to Korea. And so were their parents to a great extent, notably in the “Gatsby” years of the 1920s and on into the Depression era.

        Remember that this was the period when, in upper class circles in New York, Boston and etc., “Gilt-edged Communism was both a social distinction and a negotiable bond” as author John Barron (KGB; the Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents) once observed.

        That attitude extended to the Ivy League universities that produced the education majors who ended up teaching at places like Michigan State, OSU, and etc. They in turn produced the K-12 teachers and college professors of the post-1964-65 era.

        As a result, that particular crop of educators was more like the post-modern lot of today than most people might think.



      • November 2, 2023 at 4:22 pm

        Clear and lovely explanation, thank you!

        So, Academia went Commie faster than Hollywood!

        Needed McCarthy over there to dig those vermin out.

    • November 2, 2023 at 7:46 am
      CG Snipe

      EON, I don’t know who you are, but I think I love you !

    • November 2, 2023 at 7:52 am
      The 300

      In China, “deep understanding of the sublime thoughts of Chairman Mao- as interpreted by the Great Leader Xi”.

      In the west “deep understanding of the sublime thoughts of Karl Marx channeled through Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and Saul Alinsky.”

  • November 2, 2023 at 4:10 am

    Someone once told me “smör” is Swedish for Butter, “gås” for Goose, and “bord” for table. So the literal translation of smorgasbord is Buttergoosetable. Seemed apt, somehow.

    • November 3, 2023 at 2:58 am

      “Goose butter” = “pate de foie gras” perhaps?

  • November 2, 2023 at 5:44 am

    Funny how “Anglo elites” resemble people who are distinctly tribal and not Anglo at all.

  • November 2, 2023 at 9:49 am

    I post this here and there when the anti-white noise get bothersome:

    There are at least three and maybe more terms of ‘white (insert chosen word)’ that are used interchangeably but are really very different and should not be conflated. These are: 1) white supremacy, 2) white
    nationalism, and 3) white exceptionalism.

    ‘White supremacy’ is intended to be divisive but it really is not. It is not restricted to any race. Every person on this planet believes at some level that they are superior to the person next to them.

    ‘White nationalism’ is simply on a par with ‘other nationalisms’ so is thereby also not unique. Most people, regardless of race feel their country is better than their neighboring country.

    It is number three, ‘White exceptionalism’ that cannot be denied. ‘White
    exceptionalism’ is the primary reason for our society today. From the light bulb invented by Edison (and improved by a black guy) to the cell phone also invented by white folks. Almost everything the world uses on a
    daily basis was invented by a ‘white guy’. Even the numeric zero was invented by a Hindu guy. (In general Hindus are considered to be racially white.) There are probably a few exceptions but I cannot think of any at this moment (the wheel?).

    “They hate us because they ain’t us”. Truer words are rarely spoken.

    • November 2, 2023 at 10:29 am

      Except that edison didn’t ‘invent’ the lightbulb, he was more the bill gates of his day and someone else invented it, A Canadian in Hamilton, Ont. in this case, but he got the rights to it which is all he really needed to market the heck out of it.
      Which is stil far more than any other ‘colonized’ ‘civilization’ ever did.

  • November 2, 2023 at 2:26 pm
    cb ~

    No doubt about it, we are definitely in need of a major Enlightenment, source currently unknown.

  • November 2, 2023 at 5:34 pm

    Hitler tried to destroy Western civilization and Christianity. The SS had a form of early German beliefs and weird practices that went with it. Competing civilizations used the evil in that to attack Western civilizations.
    The 250 plus separate groups in Europe suffered by being tagged “White.” White was closer to 30+% imo of the world’s population when Hitler began his evil fostered by the Treaty and the help of industrialists wanting a power they could control. No matter what anyone claims, he was bad for europe and “white” people and bad for the world.
    Hungarian and Irish were not considered white by the ‘white’ people. The lower classes also suffered the same dislike.

    “Whites” removed slavery as much as they could and created systems in which people could flourish.
    The old tyrant systems reemerged around the world and slavery has flourished mostly in different ways.
    Economic slavery is one way. Other means of control are used. That my avatar may come true is an example.

    Let’s all go to Hillary’s Reducation fun camps. For 1. There are more

  • November 2, 2023 at 5:38 pm

    Now that I am “white,” the others all wish they were me.
    They gave me a big ego.
    Big Head is a new avatar consideration. They made me. (Both Batman and the Joke, among many.

  • November 3, 2023 at 3:50 am

    eon –

    Always a pleasure! Long Life!




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