More than three, Sam. Cartels alone number 50-70, then you have the leadership in each of those, down to the equivalent rank of say Major, then a generic card for Cartel foot soldier… Figure a deck for each Cartel…
The media has already blamed Trump..
Apparently firing an unnecessary official with no real job causes crashes, who knew ?
The shortage of 3,000 ATC’s who those officials refused to hire because they were ‘too white’ didn’t have anything to do with it though.
We need to have armed security at WH Press Briefings, to arrest anyone who spews something as stupid as they usually do for impersonating a reporter.
The Oblameo administration sent out a memo that graduates from air traffic control programs at aviation colleges would no longer be given preference for ATC slots at the school in Oke City. Then the Bidumb administration sent out a memo a couple of years ago that preference would be given to minorities, including the mentally ill and noneuronormative.
Last I heard, we have a shortage of 3000 air traffic controllers. That tells me that the FAA followed both Barky’s and ComaJoe’s recommendations, but they haven’t gotten to the point where they carry incompetents through the program, resulting in a shortfall of ATC personnel.
January 30, 2025 at 1:15 am
cb ~
Maybe a card deck of our Domestics involved with the Cartels?
Maybe send the idea to the new SecDef, as well as to DJT. In fact, I would *Love* to see Karoline Leavitt showing the press corps the first series. Start with the Sinaloa Cartel, with the various leaders, with the bounty for them. Make it really fun, have two bounties offered one for Alive, one for dead. I suspect half the Press Corps would die of Aneurysms inside of ten minutes of her spiel…
I like the little ‘fact checks’ the WH is putting out now, calling out the blatant lies the media spews forth. Should have happened long ago and there’s no reason for it not to become a daily event during each press ‘briefing’ with the originator and/or anyone else from their organization being forced to ‘stand and be recognized’ aka ‘named and shamed’ if present.
I just wish more Republicans would follow the lead of the Canadian politician, who when asked gotcha questions that begin with they said immediately pushes back and asks them, who said and turns it back on the reporter to name his sources or prove that the question he’s asking is not a gotcha question
Pierre Poilievre… pronounced Paw-LEE-ev under you’ve got enough French to try to do their version of it.
I like Pierre and he’s got potential, especially in his approach to the Mockingbird Media. He is not without faults tho.
Of particular concern is his tendency on every issue is to lick a finger, see which way the wind is blowing and then try to pretend he is leading. I don’t know if it is a lack of courage of convictions, excess of caution about making a mistake or a combination thereof.
I went to a private event (meet and greet) and, to be honest, his wife (a Venezuelan immigrant) was more engaging and charismatic. Pierre stuck to the script. Is that a bad thing? I don’t know…
That being said, Pierre is pretty much the only candidate with any chance of leading Canada out of the current mess.
The other conservative leader, Mad Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party of Canada, is a disaffected Conservative who tried to win the leadership of the Conservative Party but did not succeed. He ended up quitting and starting his own party. He is very, very French and his accent is hard to understand. His platform is promising but, like most new parties, he is struggling to get traction. It doesn’t help the Mockingbird Media smear him whenever they get a chance to the point his media relations guy told one reporter to go f’ himself. lol
This is quite the read but well worth it…and it’s the reason any Canadian with half a clue doesn’t believe anything the bought-and-paid-for ‘media’ up here says
Trump said ‘stop the drugs or you’ll get tariffs’ but somehow it’s all his fault and he’s putting tarriffs on just to be mean so we have to fight him…maybe get out of the illegal drug business instead ? A liebral PM some years ago disbanded the Ports Police because they were intercepting too much chinese drug traffic, look up ‘Project Sidewinder, but not the wikipedia version, the one that matters came a few years before that report and while it isn’t hidden, it’s not there for a reason, so the media can quote that part without mentioning the real background …a lot of liebral politicians and bagmen are in the money laundering via real estate business too so guess where any investigation into that would go…
More than three, Sam. Cartels alone number 50-70, then you have the leadership in each of those, down to the equivalent rank of say Major, then a generic card for Cartel foot soldier… Figure a deck for each Cartel…
In other news..;
The new Transportation Secretary, unlike Pete Buttigieg, is NOT taking a vacation…
The media has already blamed Trump..
Apparently firing an unnecessary official with no real job causes crashes, who knew ?
The shortage of 3,000 ATC’s who those officials refused to hire because they were ‘too white’ didn’t have anything to do with it though.
We need to have armed security at WH Press Briefings, to arrest anyone who spews something as stupid as they usually do for impersonating a reporter.
The Oblameo administration sent out a memo that graduates from air traffic control programs at aviation colleges would no longer be given preference for ATC slots at the school in Oke City. Then the Bidumb administration sent out a memo a couple of years ago that preference would be given to minorities, including the mentally ill and noneuronormative.
Last I heard, we have a shortage of 3000 air traffic controllers. That tells me that the FAA followed both Barky’s and ComaJoe’s recommendations, but they haven’t gotten to the point where they carry incompetents through the program, resulting in a shortfall of ATC personnel.
Maybe a card deck of our Domestics involved with the Cartels?
Someone on Twitter was talking about issuing Letters of Marque…
Still got my deck from before. Wouldn’t mind adding a new edition.
I would buy a few decks!
Maybe send the idea to the new SecDef, as well as to DJT. In fact, I would *Love* to see Karoline Leavitt showing the press corps the first series. Start with the Sinaloa Cartel, with the various leaders, with the bounty for them. Make it really fun, have two bounties offered one for Alive, one for dead. I suspect half the Press Corps would die of Aneurysms inside of ten minutes of her spiel…
They should havea deck of ‘journalists’ wanted for aiding and abetting too.
Only one reward though, condition is irrelevant.
Love this!
Anything that discomforts that Press Room is worth doing!
You forgot Antifa
Do It! Love the prog. tears all day long.
I like the little ‘fact checks’ the WH is putting out now, calling out the blatant lies the media spews forth. Should have happened long ago and there’s no reason for it not to become a daily event during each press ‘briefing’ with the originator and/or anyone else from their organization being forced to ‘stand and be recognized’ aka ‘named and shamed’ if present.
I just wish more Republicans would follow the lead of the Canadian politician, who when asked gotcha questions that begin with they said immediately pushes back and asks them, who said and turns it back on the reporter to name his sources or prove that the question he’s asking is not a gotcha question
Search: Poilevre viral
Pierre Poilievre… pronounced Paw-LEE-ev under you’ve got enough French to try to do their version of it.
I like Pierre and he’s got potential, especially in his approach to the Mockingbird Media. He is not without faults tho.
Of particular concern is his tendency on every issue is to lick a finger, see which way the wind is blowing and then try to pretend he is leading. I don’t know if it is a lack of courage of convictions, excess of caution about making a mistake or a combination thereof.
I went to a private event (meet and greet) and, to be honest, his wife (a Venezuelan immigrant) was more engaging and charismatic. Pierre stuck to the script. Is that a bad thing? I don’t know…
That being said, Pierre is pretty much the only candidate with any chance of leading Canada out of the current mess.
The other conservative leader, Mad Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party of Canada, is a disaffected Conservative who tried to win the leadership of the Conservative Party but did not succeed. He ended up quitting and starting his own party. He is very, very French and his accent is hard to understand. His platform is promising but, like most new parties, he is struggling to get traction. It doesn’t help the Mockingbird Media smear him whenever they get a chance to the point his media relations guy told one reporter to go f’ himself. lol
This is quite the read but well worth it…and it’s the reason any Canadian with half a clue doesn’t believe anything the bought-and-paid-for ‘media’ up here says
Trump said ‘stop the drugs or you’ll get tariffs’ but somehow it’s all his fault and he’s putting tarriffs on just to be mean so we have to fight him…maybe get out of the illegal drug business instead ? A liebral PM some years ago disbanded the Ports Police because they were intercepting too much chinese drug traffic, look up ‘Project Sidewinder, but not the wikipedia version, the one that matters came a few years before that report and while it isn’t hidden, it’s not there for a reason, so the media can quote that part without mentioning the real background …a lot of liebral politicians and bagmen are in the money laundering via real estate business too so guess where any investigation into that would go…
Playing cards? That was cool, but I prefer collecting notches and silhouettes,