And President Trump’s hiring freeze is less than a month old. It takes longer than that to train an ATC. Nobody who would have been hired if there wasn’t a freeze would have been in that, or any tower.
January 31, 2025 at 4:27 pm
I got another profile banned from the Devil’s Panties, probably for calling out the Author for her fascista actions on blocking people who point out the violence in American Politics is 95% DNC/PLD instigated. Anyhow, I pointed out that Trump’s not doing the Hiring Freeze would not have changed a thing about the crash occurring. I also pointed out that 3,000 people were turned away under Biden for ATC jobs because they were white.
So I expect profile number three to be blocked by dinnertime.
February 2, 2025 at 11:22 am
I gave up reading DP years ago for pretty much the same thing, it used to be good but then the artist drank the koolaid and went woker than woke. When you start ranting about your readers’ opinions then act surprised that your readership went down, that’s not indicitive of a good grasp on reality.
Ronald Reagan did it right in ’80. Clean house , start over…. Military controllers at the big hubs until new hires could handle it, uncontrolled airspace everywhere else, see and be seen.
Last time we had a prez with balls RR fired them all. Best course to do it again? Immediate reapplications based on merit.Balls are back; PDJT is the man
A friend of mine hired on for ATC after the Reagan house cleaning. They do NOT start noobs on busy, critical-approach towers like Reagan National, EVAH. You have to make your bones on smaller, simpler airports, and get promoted several times before they’ll trust you on a place like DCA….
I express shock as well at seeing this. I remember the CEO of Denver Airport being interviewed for the FAA Directorship back in ’23. I knew things were bad, I just didn’t realize HOW BAD they are right now. I think SKYNEWZ would get better ratings than CNN. Spot on with this one, Chris.
I thought President Trump was wrong when he blamed DEI and as usual he was correct. The facts are there.
Democrats have fatal flaws. They have opinions and as politicians they never need results. So they create problems, blame others, and never look at what monster they created.
One said if you’re on the side of the majority,[democracy] make sure you’re not on the side of insanity.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)
January 31, 2025 at 10:28 am
It is apparent that in this world there
are many distinctly opposite thoughts
about most everything.
Chris has endeavored in his long career
of drawing and writing to be positive
toward what could be considered good,
and demeaning toward the ludicrous;
of course good is different depending
on who is looking.
I think that 99.9999999 % of us agree
that what is shown in these toons is
a logical way to approach life in general.
The Marxist influence which has infiltrated
our country may be why so much insanity
now is accepted by many as correct.
Interesting. Good thing we fixed the Blackhawk cables so walkie-talkie signals aren’t picked up by the cables and cause the helicopter to nose-dive anymore. And I hope they’ve been making sure the cables are still good, because that was nearly 40 years ago.
Companies need to remove race and gender from applications, let people be rated on their qualifications first and foremost. Once all the qualified individuals have been racked and stacked interviews should be done. Starting with the most qualified. If that happens to be a white heterosexual male (WHM) then DEI be damned. It won’t happen because WHM’s are evil and everything bad is their fault, but we can always hope
One of the pundits I follow reported the rotary wing was above their designated airspace ceiling. Supposedly the ceiling in the aerodrome is 200 ft and the rotary wing was at 375 ft.
The “request visual separation” by PAT25 allows them to change what they deem necessary to clear the other aircraft. The killer was ATC changing CRJ to runway 33. Thus they changed where PAT 25 should have been looking and totally destroyed their separation of aircraft. RHT447, above shows this fairly clear. Again, it seems No one informed PAT25 of the course change for CRJ, which totally changed the air picture.
My place has three Smokers, one is a dinky one like that, but the *Other* Two, are the real deal. 500 and 1,000 gallon bad boys. And in a week more, the Raised Bed Garden will be up and filled with Basil, Dill and Tomatoes, maybe even Jalapenos. We also have toy ax throw and Cornhole games, and that bolo game now. I’m getting good on the axe throw…
So precise. Spot on. Absolutely loved it.
There was a report in 2023 that enumerated the shortfalls in ATC hiring, training, and utilization.
It carefully tap-danced around the hiring practices of the Biden Administration, simply saying that “diversity” was the ultimate goal.
Interestingly, it did conclude that “recreational drug use” should not be a disqualifier for employment.
Somehow, the idea of stoned air traffic controllers makes me want to stick to surface transport, permanently.
clear ether
“Somehow, the idea of stoned air traffic controllers makes me want to stick to surface transport, permanently.”
By your “reasoning”, anyone who ever drank a beer will be drunk on the job now.
My go to guy for this kind of info.
Good info. Jibes with this that I found, with more detail on your part:
But yeah, go ahead and blame Donald Trump. After all, he was only a kilometer or two away.
And President Trump’s hiring freeze is less than a month old. It takes longer than that to train an ATC. Nobody who would have been hired if there wasn’t a freeze would have been in that, or any tower.
I got another profile banned from the Devil’s Panties, probably for calling out the Author for her fascista actions on blocking people who point out the violence in American Politics is 95% DNC/PLD instigated. Anyhow, I pointed out that Trump’s not doing the Hiring Freeze would not have changed a thing about the crash occurring. I also pointed out that 3,000 people were turned away under Biden for ATC jobs because they were white.
So I expect profile number three to be blocked by dinnertime.
I gave up reading DP years ago for pretty much the same thing, it used to be good but then the artist drank the koolaid and went woker than woke. When you start ranting about your readers’ opinions then act surprised that your readership went down, that’s not indicitive of a good grasp on reality.
Excellent report on the crash. Thanks.
Graduating 6th grade with third grade educational levels at the age of 18 makes you a intellectual genius in many big cities.
As someone I know has said ( we should have hired the Irish and Chinese to pick cotton ).
My family was poor as shit. We had to pick our own damn cotton.
Much like almost all of the citizens of the Confederate States of America.
Same for my wife’s family. Me, I’m a carpetbagger/scalawag!:>))
Yeah….Just ask Jethro Bodine…..with his qualifications he’s been torn between becoming brain surgeon and a fry-cook!! :-p
They tried that. Malaria killed the Irish off. That’s why a slave trade of malaria resistant black people developed.
Yep! Them malaria resistant folk have a genetic tendency to sickle cell anemia. Trust the science they say.
Such a horrible tragedy. Thoughts and prayers for the families.
One report I saw said Reagan ATC has had only 19 of 30 spots filled for a long time
Ronald Reagan did it right in ’80. Clean house , start over…. Military controllers at the big hubs until new hires could handle it, uncontrolled airspace everywhere else, see and be seen.
Last time we had a prez with balls RR fired them all. Best course to do it again? Immediate reapplications based on merit.Balls are back; PDJT is the man
A friend of mine hired on for ATC after the Reagan house cleaning. They do NOT start noobs on busy, critical-approach towers like Reagan National, EVAH. You have to make your bones on smaller, simpler airports, and get promoted several times before they’ll trust you on a place like DCA….
Which boils down to shorthanded inexperience in every critical job at the busiest airports in the country due entirely to DEI anti-white racism.
I express shock as well at seeing this. I remember the CEO of Denver Airport being interviewed for the FAA Directorship back in ’23. I knew things were bad, I just didn’t realize HOW BAD they are right now. I think SKYNEWZ would get better ratings than CNN. Spot on with this one, Chris.
I thought President Trump was wrong when he blamed DEI and as usual he was correct. The facts are there.
Democrats have fatal flaws. They have opinions and as politicians they never need results. So they create problems, blame others, and never look at what monster they created.
One said if you’re on the side of the majority,[democracy] make sure you’re not on the side of insanity.
One of the greatest mistakes in society is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.
~ McGroarty for Freedom
In the same vein…
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)
It is apparent that in this world there
are many distinctly opposite thoughts
about most everything.
Chris has endeavored in his long career
of drawing and writing to be positive
toward what could be considered good,
and demeaning toward the ludicrous;
of course good is different depending
on who is looking.
I think that 99.9999999 % of us agree
that what is shown in these toons is
a logical way to approach life in general.
The Marxist influence which has infiltrated
our country may be why so much insanity
now is accepted by many as correct.
Joe McCarthy was, evidently, correct.
Just something to know
Interesting. Good thing we fixed the Blackhawk cables so walkie-talkie signals aren’t picked up by the cables and cause the helicopter to nose-dive anymore. And I hope they’ve been making sure the cables are still good, because that was nearly 40 years ago.
Companies need to remove race and gender from applications, let people be rated on their qualifications first and foremost. Once all the qualified individuals have been racked and stacked interviews should be done. Starting with the most qualified. If that happens to be a white heterosexual male (WHM) then DEI be damned. It won’t happen because WHM’s are evil and everything bad is their fault, but we can always hope
One of the pundits I follow reported the rotary wing was above their designated airspace ceiling. Supposedly the ceiling in the aerodrome is 200 ft and the rotary wing was at 375 ft.
The “request visual separation” by PAT25 allows them to change what they deem necessary to clear the other aircraft. The killer was ATC changing CRJ to runway 33. Thus they changed where PAT 25 should have been looking and totally destroyed their separation of aircraft. RHT447, above shows this fairly clear. Again, it seems No one informed PAT25 of the course change for CRJ, which totally changed the air picture.
Brutal situation.
And another crash today in Philly… medivac gone wrong…
Okay, getting grim here, so happy trip to the past and then back to the present;
My place has three Smokers, one is a dinky one like that, but the *Other* Two, are the real deal. 500 and 1,000 gallon bad boys. And in a week more, the Raised Bed Garden will be up and filled with Basil, Dill and Tomatoes, maybe even Jalapenos. We also have toy ax throw and Cornhole games, and that bolo game now. I’m getting good on the axe throw…
The first appearance of T-100, I believe…
Another one. Same only different,
idiocracy was a movie, not an instruction manual
I thought it was just an overly long a for Crocs.
Seems to have worked, though.
“long AD…”