

  • September 10, 2022 at 12:08 am

    Love the waving paws. Just like a turtle on a fence post accomplishing nothing.

    • September 10, 2022 at 8:11 am

      I think those are are quotes. Same result though.

  • September 10, 2022 at 12:43 am

    Good ol’ Mini-Mitch, from the land of the Kentucky Derby. Never thought those good folks in that state would keep the thoroughbred racehorse, and send us the horse’s ass.

    • September 10, 2022 at 1:18 am
      Too Tall


      Horse’s ass?

      Nah, lame ass gelding is what they sent us.

  • September 10, 2022 at 1:28 am

    The “deep state” just the thing to fire up wannabe Washingtons.

  • September 10, 2022 at 2:04 am

    Like most in DC, power is mini-m’s debilitating addiction.
    I recall reading on the internet that 85% of the US Congress’s votes on important bills and issues do not go the way the people wanted the votes to go.

    DC and China’s answer is to replace the Republican and conservative voters. Since even before Ted Kennedy’s ramrodding of the 1965 Immigration Bill people, including the Senator that wrote the bill have been planning and acting on that result.

    Even since I have been explaining Wang vs US (1898) US Supreme Court, the left and enemies of the republic have been creating new legal publications content and documentations that have nothing to do with the actual meaning of the case.
    Arizona’s Kari Lake might look into the real meaning of the case. The case was decided as it was because the USA had not yet decided to write laws that made it illegal for people to unlawfully be present in the USA or to unlawfully enter the USA. The Chinese exclusion Act was irrelevant to the facts in Kim’s case as his parents had already passed the test the US Supreme Court said existed concerning Kim’s parents contacts with the USA, no laws being broken by his parents being in the USA, and the other considerations that they determined that Kim’s parents were what we now might characterize as naturalized to be in the USA. Chinese attempting to enter the USA after the case were excluded until that law was repealed. At least one Justice stated that there were no laws making Kim’s parent’s entry in the USA or their staying in the USA illegal acts.
    We now have laws concerning much of this. The current US Supreme Court has shown the inclination to decide laws, treaties, and the Constitutionas they are written, and as the writers intended.
    This is mostly from years old memory. I have to read much again.
    The bottom line is that every single one of those people (except a few legitimate asylum cases) should be expelled or deported along with their children born elsewhere and their non-citizen children born here. No matter that their parents are inside the jurisdiction (ONE MEANING), they are not subject to the jurisdiction of the US sovereign (Citizenship and nation meaning.)
    Historically, the world operated that the people were subject to (or belonged to as a similar or same meaning) their sovereign and all of their children, no matter where born, belonged to the parent’s sovereign.
    Some Russian or Chinese mother flying in to the USA does not have the sufficiently required contacts to the USA for their child born in the USA to be a citizen of the USA.
    As to thought development, it has been a long day and it is 2AM. And I am correct.
    The people must also rise up and decide these questions.
    People who wanted the destruction of the USA maneuvered the world and the USA such that rather than getting a bigger bang for our buck in helping people across the world, these migrant invaders were dumped into the Western world and the USA.
    But that is democrats. Destroy what exists, so they can BUILD BACK BETTER. And that also is the communist and Marxist and Progressive slogans and plans.

    • September 11, 2022 at 2:00 am

      “the USA had not yet decided to write laws that made it illegal for people to unlawfully be present in the USA or to unlawfully enter the USA.”

      My “barefoot constitutionalist” rep from CSPOA would respond that this is because the constitution gives the federal government NO power over immigration. Naturalization, yes — but immigration, no, and they are not the same thing. In fact, the argument set down on paper (Federalist) for giving the feds power over naturalization was that a state may let an immigrant in and give him citizenship, then the immigrant might move to another state which had additional requirements that he hadn’t met. You will notice that this situation cannot even occur unless a state had the power to admit the immigrant in the first place. Feds usurped power over immigration as the result of some weak-ass case law which claimed that federal control over naturalization “must naturally include” control over immigration, just because some judge pulled it out of his backside.

  • September 10, 2022 at 2:05 am

    Even the turtle has not done all evil. But these politicians do inadvertantly slip up every now and then.

    • September 10, 2022 at 7:41 am

      Yes, Garland is not in SCOTUS.

  • September 10, 2022 at 2:10 am

    To paraphrase GWB:

    You are either with MAGA, or with the Evil.

  • September 10, 2022 at 2:57 am

    There is a populist movement since the Uniparty offers no alternative. The Dems want conquest (see Compton, California as an example) and the RINOS want cheap labor so those Swamp Critters cooperate. Both Biden and Blunt hav e used their children as cut-outs and plan to be retired somewhere else when the bill comes due. None of them gives a damn about “‘Merica”. That is why they hate Trump. That Nu Yawker understood who built his hotels and casinos. He knew that there was no future in moving to Asia, Africa, or Europe. Trump warned Europe about the fuel situation. Putin would never have made his Ukrainian play against Trump. The Russians still remember the Wagner bodies at Deir ez Zor, Syria. Biden, et al just needed a taste of the Russian oil profits to roll over.

    • September 10, 2022 at 7:43 am

      UK families will pay about $2,800 monthly for utilities this winter. BTW, new Prime Minister will encourage fracking.

    • September 10, 2022 at 12:25 pm

      Trump/MAGA IS the populist/pragmatist party. He absorbed the pubs and forced them to jump on the T Train just to use their infrastructure to get elected and their numbers to push some of his agenda…R’s and D’s are all U’s and are only relevant today for those same reasons if their numbers are not negated by fraud and greed going forward, which they quite certainly will be.

      The CRA will not have lettered gangs, only Patriots.

  • September 10, 2022 at 3:38 am

    Notice there are nowhere and never any “DINOs” (Democrats in name only). Wonder why that is?

    And is the disgusting spectacle of RINOs embracing The Left’s lawlessness only due to spinelessness or expediency? I think we’ve learned that DC Mordor is willing to use the most sinister tactics to get “the other side” to bend to Sauron’s will.

    • September 10, 2022 at 11:53 am

      The only DINOs you’ll find are in areas dominated by the Republican party.
      Those who would be DINOs were, for the most part, expelled from the Democratic party one way or another because the Ds entire political philosophy is predicated on only one thing… raw unmitigated political power, and it always has been. Witness the fact that it was Andrew Jackson, an unrepentant Indian killer and slave owner, and Martin van Buren, the New York political machine boss, that effectively founded the Party.
      The one thing the Democratic Party requires of its members is unanimity in voting, no matter what that vote may be on. Thus the turn-on-a-dime voting behavior.

  • September 10, 2022 at 10:10 am

    It’s disgusting all right…

    Follow the Money and Power, Always Follow the Money and Power.

    It’s the only tactic they need. Sinister yes, but simple.

    • September 10, 2022 at 11:41 am
      Bradford Long

      Money is simply a FORM of power as matter is a FORM of energy. When in the form of matter, it is STILL energy. Money only exists as a form & TOOL of power. This may seem an unimportant distinction to many, but it isn’t. The lust to EXERCISE power is what drives the Powers That Be. That lust is what is behind the drive to Globalism & One World Government. Even the peons within the power structure of a OWG would be a part of the PTB. A petty bureaucrat within the Federal gov’t will commonly try to exert power, but the exertion is limited by the limited power of an elected government with limited power. The power provided even to the petty bureaucrat of a dictatorial OWG is far greater and more satisfying than the power provided to the bureaucrat of an elected gov’t. At my level, money is the just power to live in comfort with relative security. At Soros’s level it is one of several tools used to control multitudes of others and achieve goal of MORE POWER.

      • September 10, 2022 at 12:13 pm

        Yes, you have explained longhand why Deep Throat’s phrase is amended…many just do not grok the parallel.

        Money/Power is the correct and more understandable refrain.

  • September 10, 2022 at 12:30 pm
    Polly Cy

    Color me relieved: at first I thought Sam was wearing a mask, then saw just enough thumb to make me realize it was a coffee cup. And I even have new glasses.

    Bad eyes, bad! Take a time out!

  • September 10, 2022 at 2:17 pm
    President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight

    “You have Globalism”
    Too bad it’s not an immediate 100% killer disease.

  • September 10, 2022 at 11:02 pm
    Greg Miller

    Just seeing how UnAmerican this administration is, imagine if President Trump was in the White House on 9/11…
    I looked for and found this awesome tribute and thought it was still relevant…Read this, and watch the video on 9/11…

    Blood Of Heroes

    “Some have written with criticism. One person said they thought that including the photo of the woman falling from the building was in poor taste. Well, I am sorry you feel that way, but reality isn’t always pretty…

    Yes, the photos are offensive – not because they are graphic in nature – but because of what they represent.”

    In October of 2002, after hearing all the nay-sayers whining about going to war to fight against terrorism, (and to protect our interests and defend our allies) I wondered; how exactly do we defend and maintain our freedom then? If not by the violent destruction of those who would threaten us, then by what means?

    There comes a time when even peace loving people have to fight. It seemed to me that far too many of us had forgotten the real issue in all of this – the people. More precisely, the American people – our Founding Fathers, our veterans, our military, our civil servants and even regular folk – those who have died or could die in the service of this country – in establishing, protecting and maintaining our freedom.

    If this isn’t enough of a reason to go anywhere to fight anyone – to preserve the American way of life – then what is there left on this earth that matters at all? G-d help us!
    I made ‘Blood of Heroes’ to remind people that everything we enjoy in America today is the result of someone’s sacrifice, that it is constantly threatened – and that it is still worth fighting for. Not a lighthearted thought, indeed. Hopefully, this site will remind us all of the human cost that has been paid for our freedom, our safety and our luxury.

    A price paid not just so you and I can vote and pray, but also so we can sit on the couch, watching TV, having 30 minute pizzas delivered to our doors. Even if you don’t vote or pray, there is still plenty left worth fighting for.

    Think about that…With all the invective about “blood for oil”, we were not only justified in going to war – we were obligated to do it – and to do it in every place on this earth that ever poses a threat to the American way of life. It isn’t blood for oil. It’s blood for freedom – the blood of our heroes. We owe it to them… and we owe it to our children. Period.

    We are lucky to live in the United States of America – and this privilege didn’t come cheap. Our Founding Fathers were not cowards. They made immense sacrifices to establish this Great Nation in freedom – not the least of which was going to war with the enemy of that freedom.

    All of those who have fought in the subsequent wars and conflicts and those who are fighting today have continued to make sacrifices in order to defend those original ideals.
    Even now, our civil servants, particularly Firefighters and Police, are making sacrifices to maintain the quality of our lives in this freedom.

    If you are not willing to do everything in your power to defend this Great Nation, even taking up arms if it is necessary, then who will? If you will not defend America, that is your choice – but sit in silence and do not criticize those brave and valiant individuals who have the sense of duty, the measure of courage and the determination of heart to protect America… and, I might add, your cowardly soul.

    Some have written with criticism. One person said they thought that including the photo of the woman falling from the building was in poor taste.

    Well, I am sorry you feel that way, but reality isn’t always pretty. That woman really did jump – and so did hundreds of others. Yes, the photos are offensive – not because they are graphic in nature – but because of what they represent.

    None of them are even close, visually speaking, to the level of violence on any major network during prime time. When I hear people make this charge, what I really hear them saying is “I can’t handle reality, I need to be in denial”.

    Well fine then, go back to sleep Virginia. Brave men will protect you. Just stop criticizing them for doing it the only way they know how, even if it is ugly.

    Some people would have us forget that a heavy price has been paid so that we can live in comfort and security, barely even noticing the reality of the world around us.
    But that privilege didn’t just fall out of a box – it was established in blood. The fact that you are comfortable is no reason to take it for granted.

    On September 11, 2001 – taking it for granted was no longer an option. I am sorry if you feel that the depiction of actual events should be watered down into some kind of a Hallmark Card event, just so you can feel more comfortable.
    That kind of logic dictates that we may as well forget the whole thing. Sorry, not here. Not now. Not ever!
    If we cannot remember this for what it really is, then why remember it at all?

    I dare not take any real credit for this presentation. After all, it is only significant because of what it showcases. All I did was take someone else’s photos, someone else’s quotes and someone else’s music and put it all together to try and remind us all of something we should never forget anyway.

    I hope you will take a few moments to reflect on what we have and who paid for it.

    Look up and thank G-d that you live free in a nation that is blessed by Him and defended by heroes. May G-d continue to bless America and all who defend her.
    Fly the flag.
    …Jim Byers 2003

  • September 11, 2022 at 2:36 am

    It is known Customary International Law that birthright citizenship under the “Jus solis” standard, meaning born on the territory, does not apply in some cases such as:
    1. Child of a foreign sovereign or diplomat,
    2. Child born on a warship transiting territorial waters,
    3. Child born to a “camp follower of an invading army.”

    Under the US Constitution states get to declare that they are under invasion and then defend themselves while petitioning the Congress for assistance.
    The current wave of migrants, being directed with political intent and consisting disproportionately of military age males including drug cartel members and terrorists, could be declared an invading army. Any child conceived with such an illegal entrant, other than through an act of unlawful involuntary intercourse as proven by a timely report to law enforcement and full cooperation in identifying the assailant, should therefor be declared the child of a camp follower of an invading army and not eligible for birthright citizenship under the jus solis standard. The child would however be eligible for subsequent admission and naturalization should Congress so direct.

    • September 11, 2022 at 9:17 am
      Greg Miller

      Rhay that demonstrates is why we have laws…opinion is fine for discussions but the law is the basis for our freedom. Your opinion is valid but so was the Third Reich’s opinion that undesireables could be weeded out…they found that law and opinion don’t mix when the law is the basis for human rights and true freedom from government persecution.We have a serious illegal immigrant problem…the key here is “illegal”…lawbreakers can’t stay, but the law fortunately covers what “natural born” means…must be the child of one or both parents being a US citizen.
      Anywhere you’re born…in Afghanistan or Seattle (almost a foreign country),but still the USA.Anchor babies aren’t eligible by the “original intent” precedent…

  • September 11, 2022 at 9:39 am
    Greg Miller

    “What” that…etc

    The concept of “original Intent” was covered in an eloquent post further back in this thread.



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