One of my biggest beefs… property taxes!! If I own the land, why the hell should have to keep paying taxes on it? Do I own it or not?
Property taxes mean the gubbermint owns everything and rents it to the tax slaves. Don’t pay your rent and the gubbermint will use force to remove you and put some other slave in your place.
I was thinking that after all the extreme corruption of the DemonRats, stealing our money to make themselves wealthy, maybe we need to do a little eminent domain on them. Confiscate all the possessions of the Bidens, Pelosis, Schumers, Schiffs, Newsoms, etc., and spread it out to the tax payers!
Before a person enters public office at the City, State, or Federal level, there should be an independent audit of their assets. Every few years while in office, and upon leaving the office, there should be subsequent audits. Any increase in wealth that is not directly attributable to the salary being received or assets and investments held at the time of taking office, should be confiscated.
Where’s Virgil Samms and Rod Kinnison when we need them?
Zar Belk!
February 5, 2025 at 9:11 pm
Dastardly Dan
Someone like DJT, who has only 1 term to serve and NOTHING to lose
February 5, 2025 at 7:32 am
They all claim to want to go into public
service and clean house, but none do,
save PDT, the others are all indoctrinated
by wineing and dining, etc. and soon learn
they can vote themself largess, and
become as corrupt as the rest of them.
In a “sword and sorcery” style novel I read years ago, at one point they described an interesting form of government. The chief executive was picked by popular vote for a single term but most people hoped to avoid service.
Once a citizen was elected to be chief executive, all of his or her possessions, investments, and properties were seized and evaluated for fair market value… as well as a snapshot of the state of the economy, GDP etc.
The chief executive was expected to organize, delegate and supervise the business of government. At the end of their term, the same state evaluations were done again. If the state of the economy had improved, the former chief executive’s estate is restored and he is remunerated. If the economy failed, the estate was sold and contributed to the state’s budget.
When someone pointed it how much power this gave to the appraisers who did the evaluations, the person explaining the system said appraisers were not immune to being elected as chief executives.
The person then indicated chief executives were not permitted to tamper with inflationary monetary policies or foreign military adventurism. Most chief executives worked 7 days per week to ensure the success of their government… and the chief executive’s protective detail were required to keep the executive safe and prevent him/her from absconding.
One of my biggest beefs… property taxes!! If I own the land, why the hell should have to keep paying taxes on it? Do I own it or not?
Property taxes mean the gubbermint owns everything and rents it to the tax slaves. Don’t pay your rent and the gubbermint will use force to remove you and put some other slave in your place.
Allodial title is the answer but the .Gov has outlawed it!
I was thinking that after all the extreme corruption of the DemonRats, stealing our money to make themselves wealthy, maybe we need to do a little eminent domain on them. Confiscate all the possessions of the Bidens, Pelosis, Schumers, Schiffs, Newsoms, etc., and spread it out to the tax payers!
Not a bad idea.
Before a person enters public office at the City, State, or Federal level, there should be an independent audit of their assets. Every few years while in office, and upon leaving the office, there should be subsequent audits. Any increase in wealth that is not directly attributable to the salary being received or assets and investments held at the time of taking office, should be confiscated.
And we will get those self-same politicians to vote for that, how?
Just asking…..
“Who will bell the cat?”
Where’s Virgil Samms and Rod Kinnison when we need them?
Zar Belk!
Someone like DJT, who has only 1 term to serve and NOTHING to lose
They all claim to want to go into public
service and clean house, but none do,
save PDT, the others are all indoctrinated
by wineing and dining, etc. and soon learn
they can vote themself largess, and
become as corrupt as the rest of them.
In a “sword and sorcery” style novel I read years ago, at one point they described an interesting form of government. The chief executive was picked by popular vote for a single term but most people hoped to avoid service.
Once a citizen was elected to be chief executive, all of his or her possessions, investments, and properties were seized and evaluated for fair market value… as well as a snapshot of the state of the economy, GDP etc.
The chief executive was expected to organize, delegate and supervise the business of government. At the end of their term, the same state evaluations were done again. If the state of the economy had improved, the former chief executive’s estate is restored and he is remunerated. If the economy failed, the estate was sold and contributed to the state’s budget.
When someone pointed it how much power this gave to the appraisers who did the evaluations, the person explaining the system said appraisers were not immune to being elected as chief executives.
The person then indicated chief executives were not permitted to tamper with inflationary monetary policies or foreign military adventurism. Most chief executives worked 7 days per week to ensure the success of their government… and the chief executive’s protective detail were required to keep the executive safe and prevent him/her from absconding.
I’m liking how the Great Divide has so totally morphed.
Out: RIght vs Left, Democrat vs Republican. In:
Don’t You Dare Expose Our Crimes And Corruption
Comply With Tyranny
Real Hope
Real Change
Someone is missing their scar…
If Kiko was the one in the Caddy, she should have a scar just like Zed’s
Crap I forgot it
It gives her… her indomitable character.
I know that the ROT is ‘Chicks Dig Scars,’ and I like my women with smooth skin, but for Kiko, this one works.
Hey Chris, remember, My place is only an hour or so away. We serve some of the best burnt ends in Orlando.
ION, The First time the ranch’s newly-painted Armored Vehicle appeared;×262.jpg
VAG can take a pounding…
Yeah! Baby!×290.jpg
Is there a Mari fan club I can join?