January 28, 2025 Escorts. by Chris Muir Share this Share: Tag:1776 Redux, Culture Wars, Deep State Traitors
They don’t even rate an elbow bump.
clear ether
Kick in butt or nuts?
Might as well go for both!
Duck walk. With duct tape.
Gentlemen, fix bayonets!!
Parasites are not People!
Escort? You mean whore?
Right down there with the Presstitutes!
Zar Belk!
To be fair, status depends on the price…
Plank walk. Splash. Not sure if sharks would eat them…
Probably wouldn’t out of professional courtesy.
Not to worry. They periodically evert their stomachs to dispose of anything indigestible.
Zar Belk!
Bureaucrats consider themselves to be a higher developed species than human, so by their very own opinion of us and themselves they are not “people too”. They, and most politicians, are parasitic predators.
Sadly, almost all who lord over us have this opinion of themselves.
They have to, otherwise they’d suicide out of shame.
Shame? That is unknown to them..
I rest my case.