The Blob.
Four Peaks.


  • December 9, 2023 at 1:05 am

    When you know where the next important battle is going to be fought, it’s never a bad idea to do some scouting before the balloon goes up.

    clear ether


  • December 9, 2023 at 2:01 am

    Planning is even more important. Unfortunately neither political party seems capable of planning more than one move ahead.

    • December 9, 2023 at 2:23 am

      If even THAT!!!

  • December 9, 2023 at 6:23 am
    Unca Walt

    In my 83 years, I have personally observed enough, and read enough history to reluctantly come to a really unhappy conclusion:

    Intelligence is not a good survival trait.

    The “divide-by-zero” or quantum leap change in any human’s ability to communicate with hundreds of millions of other humans is clearly upon us.

    And it is making a terrible, terrible result:

    We have now poisoned the majority of our race… and we have weapons in the hands of many thousands of us that can annihilate all of us.

    Lastly, we can all feel it, and see it: There is a madness in the air — with anarchy in cities, obvious government evil, open borders pollution of the concept of citizenship, insanity regarding genders, the disappearance universally of white people in advertising…

    …But mostly religious and racial hate. Muslims/jews, blacks/whites.

    Inevitably, something will set it off.

    • December 9, 2023 at 7:33 am
      Deplorable MAGADONIAN Mutt-PaulS

      I’d like to be more optimistic, but I think we’re going to find out in the next year whether the USA has a chance.
      Be prepared, always!

    • December 9, 2023 at 7:37 am
      Tom Stockton

      Not 83… yet, got a few years… but I agree with your assessment, and am glad that I probably won’t have to live through the worst part of the chaos that is going to ensue. Feel sorry for the younger generations… 🙁

      p.s. A little slow on the uptake, took me a bit to figure out that the “young lovely” in the first panel was Naomi…

    • December 10, 2023 at 10:59 am
      John D. Egbert

      Re “Intelligence . . .” “Intelligent” and “Smart” are not congruent terms. Was in MENSA for some years – some years back. Many of the highest IQs I ever saw were on some of the DUMBEST people I’ve ever met. Given a choice between “intelligent” and “smart,” I’ll opt for “smart” every time . . .

      • December 11, 2023 at 6:58 pm

        I hat to point this out to someone just last week, while they were ridiculing “this many people are opposed to teaching arabic numerals in schools!” …Intelligence is knowing arabs invented base 10, WISDOM is knowing they mean the symbols currently on middle eastern money, which is NOT what they think people are voting against. Dumbest smart-guys, ever.

  • December 9, 2023 at 8:29 am

    A highly palatable reprieve today after the shock of Zir yesterday. Thankfully yesterday there was clothing. Thankfully today there was not.

  • December 9, 2023 at 12:15 pm
    Hotrod Lincoln

    Not quite to 83 yet- – – -I’m only 77. If the defecation must inevitably come into contact with the air handler, let it happen while I’m still able to participate! 40+ years of building super accurate long range rifles would probably make my skills useful while I’m still able to aim, and squeeze a 6 ounce trigger!

  • December 9, 2023 at 12:36 pm

    I think the “Next thing” will be even closer than Argentina, right across the Gulf of Mexico, over the Guyana borders. It also has a large “Racial” component in the dispute…The dutch and the Brits colonies in the Guyanas all got along well, traded with, shared lands and towns, and were allied with the native indigenous peoples,while the spanish never did. Another aspect is “slavery” as many african slaves were brought to the Guyanas as were brought to the mainland USA…perhaps more, and their ancestors live there still.

  • December 9, 2023 at 1:01 pm

    Meanwhile in the Soviet Republic of Canuckistan, Dear Leader SparkleSocks O’Blackface continues to govern as if he was nominated Dictator For Life despite polling showing his party is headed for historic defeat.

    His Environment Minister (convicted criminal Greenpeace extremist) Uneven Steven declared on the record that he was a Proud Socialist and continues to ratchet up the eco-communism such that nearly half of the Canucks are bordering energy poverty.

    The largest elephant in the world’s second largest room is unfettered immigration (both legal AND illegal PLUS record refugee resettlement). SparkleSocks is on the record for wanting to raise the numbers. Polling shows a record 2% agree with him… Everyone else wants less influx and over 72% want a total cessation…

    Oddly enough, the shiny new leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Rabbit Fur (yes, that’s the English translation of Poilievre) loves to spout about common sense and how the country is broken. Yet he is unwilling to say anything about the ongoing invasion. Perhaps it is because his wife immigrated from Venezuela? The closest he will come to such is to say immigration numbers should be tied to economic needs… while saying we need to “fix” our housing crisis by massively building of houses…

    Maybe… just maybe… the urgent need for new houses might be lessened if the country wasn’t being overwhelmed by immigrants/illegals/refugees?

  • December 9, 2023 at 3:38 pm

    Nice bubbles and bubble placement!

  • December 10, 2023 at 1:08 am

    I have yet to figure out how to deposit an M777 into a bank account.

    stackin’ orcs in Adiivika with the Devil’s Paintbrush….

    fertilizing the spring crop of sunflowers….



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