The Red and the Blue.
Theme Song.


  • November 1, 2020 at 12:24 am

    “Best viewed from a distance.”

    Yes. A beautiful concept that is so dysfunctional in practice that only the filters of distance, leftist contemplation, or pictures and artifacts frozen in time can make it seem palatable.

    It’s the contemplation born of empty promises and ignorance of the true history of it (does the museum have a chamber of horrors for showcasing that?) that makes it such a viable and effective campaign tool. Again.

    • November 1, 2020 at 9:03 am

      More to the point it is the deliberate refusal to contemplate human history, whether actual records or preserved as oral tradition, that shows just how silly the notions of people can be and how terrible the consequences of ignoring the repeated warnings are.
      Philosophers used to argue whether the true nature of Mankind was Good or Evil, but we have since learned that the true nature of Mankind is the nature of _all_ life, that is it is, for better or worse, opportunistic and driven.
      Things like Bible stories and properly formulated laws are meant to curb our self indulgences in favor of a better future, and here is the crux of the problem.
      The Left does not recognize the existence of a Future. For them there is only Now.

      • November 1, 2020 at 10:56 am

        Yes but to be clear, in this context,

        “distance” = “history”.

      • November 1, 2020 at 6:03 pm

        They remind me of Two Year Olds.

  • November 1, 2020 at 12:25 am
    • November 1, 2020 at 2:42 am

      No, Jan wants to see “art” depicting racism, lies, censorship and denial, curated and presented as truth. The example in your link proves that she shall have it,

    • November 1, 2020 at 7:56 am
      My Way Or --->

      While I have seen far too much artwork done by male organisms in museum collections, and very little by women in museum collections, the fact that there has always been rampant discrimination in the art world is nothing new. However, EXCLUDING SOMEONE based on reproduction organs is not acceptable to anyone with a working brain.

      I think I can better understand that notoriously infamous ripoff artist Banksy, who destroys his creations the minute they are auctioned off and the hammer drops.

      There has been discrimination in the art world against women since forever, so don’t get me started on that. You couldn’t even get a review unless you were will to lay for someone. If you find that offensive, I do NOT care. It is the truth. That has changed.

      Likewise, there are plenty of artists with far darker skin than mine who have their own studios and are doing quite well. It has been an all-white-male venue for centuries. If this guy is getting fired (being asked to resign means “You’re fired”) because he ignores non-Caucasian artists and women artists, he’s been out of the real loop about valid art for a very long time.

      • November 1, 2020 at 11:15 am

        Quite the opposite, the poor sap was victimized and had his career and good name destroyed by the cancel culture when he said he would include white artists, as excluding them would constitute reverse racism. Well that term set them off because any mention of whiteness (or maleness although that was not the issue here) automatically “triggers” the actual racists and sexists to scream discrimination to high heaven (or low hell).

        So sick of it. Business including art is a tool for profit in one iteration or another and the only reason to exclude a product from the inventory is lack of it…OTW’s and OTM’s aren’t equally represented? Like in every career (politics, engineering, etc), maybe it’s because the product is inferior.

        But instead of taking the difficult path to success and acclaim involving hard work and failures to hone their craft and attain equal footing by their own efforts, the screeching cancel culture that has permeated and destroyed so much of our freedom and equality already is the haven of scoundrels and hacks, and in the environment of socialism/communism that is the subject here, it works. How effing sad is that?

  • November 1, 2020 at 1:03 am

    I’m securing a domain name to be weaponized for nefarious purposes against those who would try to lead the country down the socialism/communism path to hell…

    socialist r us dot com, socialists r us dot com, and socialism r us dot com are all available, correctly structured as a website name. The thought is to use it as a large-lettered banner to be plastered across the pictures of any and all of the usual suspects, with a smaller-lettered tag line “Go Here For Details” where the link will provide a true and complete list of the starements, promises, and policies of the subject(s) in the picture.

    Seems any who see it would be curious enough to go there, and it might actually open some eyes to the lies…and at the least expose the closet commies for what they really are and really want to do to this country.

    Any thoughts on which domain would be best to make the point and also be the best memory meme for the internet?

    • November 1, 2020 at 5:39 am

      I will tell you from experience that putting “R Us” in the name of any business or group that you run is buying legal grief you don’t need.

      • November 1, 2020 at 7:10 am
        Old Codger

        I agree. The toy chain has some very high power shysters on retainer and the way they see it they pretty much OWN the “R Us” brand. It’s sad but true. And when you throw in the way progs dominate the legal profession there is no way you could hope to get a fair hearing. Face it, the left pretty much holds the internet as a private fiefdom and those folks DO NOT brook dissent.

      • November 2, 2020 at 1:40 am
        John M.

        Even though the chain itself is bankrupt and liquidated?

      • November 1, 2020 at 9:51 am

        Henry I would be very much interested in hearing the details of that personal experience?

      • November 1, 2020 at 11:15 am

        Try “We B”

    • November 1, 2020 at 7:49 am

      Socialism Is We dot com 😉

      • November 1, 2020 at 9:33 am
        Unca Walt

        How about “Socialism Я Us”

        Ya can’t tell me the silks working for the conglomerate can claim ownership of that one.

      • November 1, 2020 at 9:47 am

        Yes sir Walt that is one of the choices offered above but with a right-facing R as it had the same impact and the backward R was a definite component of the former biz name giving them more of a claim to infringement.

      • November 1, 2020 at 10:01 am

        Well R in Russian looks like a P, so
        “Socialism P Us” or a little BLM flava
        “Socialism B Us” LOL

      • November 1, 2020 at 11:28 am

        PaulS I LIKE that B Us suffix!

        Not only easy to remember and rolls off the tongue, but eliminates any potential claim of infringement and adds the mockery of the BLM bullshit.

        Huh. Thought the immediate recognition factor of R Us was unbeatable but…

      • November 1, 2020 at 11:35 am

        Actually I might want to see Jan’s take on it is kind of a reverse marketing campaign and she is a former marketing executive…

    • November 1, 2020 at 9:43 am

      Based on my research infringement is probably not an issue, with one caveat.

      Courts have held over and over that a business name containing a phrase or wording similar to an existing business are not infringing unless the full name is used exactly or is intended to confuse consumers in the same industry. None of that applies of course. And the toy company’s bankruptcy left its executors with billions in debt to address and discharge and it is unlikely they would pursue new expenses with a dubious claim of infringement on a dead logo. The remaining assets were bought by a company run by a former exec who plans a new toy company with a new name that specifically will try to distance itself from the former toys r us due to the baggage and bad juju associated with that massive failure, acknowledging it was squashed by mismanagement in responding to Wally and the Amazon eating their lunch.

      But the caveat might come in if the leftist consortium joins a lawsuit and throwing money at it, not actually to protect the name but using it as a pretext to silence criticism of its players and prevent the truth from being disseminated.

      In which case my little LLC with no assets except the website itself, will just fold. Even though defending it has court precedent and the 1st Amendment on its side and would prevail, legal defense costs big money, is a waste of time and assets, and by that time the exposure would have already done its job.

      My only regret is not forming the site and the plan a few months ago and offering it as a Trump mini-pac, used against every Bloomie funded commercial in Flarduh.

      Just an idea, we’ll see. And I’ll probably go with socialist r us due to simplicity and ease of retaining it in the mind for later search.

  • November 1, 2020 at 1:58 am

    ALL of them, of course…..

  • November 1, 2020 at 4:08 am

    It looks okay from a distance … maybe a distance of about 249 million miles.

    This reminds me of a recent NY Post news story reporting that Elon Musk has stated that a future Mars SpaceX colony will not be bound to Earth laws. Does this mean that freedoms exposed in the Magna Carta or the Bill of Roghts are verboten? What about the concept that Liberty is a Natural right, Divinely bestowed upon man?

    I get a sneaking suspicion that Musk will be aiming more for a social utopian on the Red Planet modeled on collectivist statism, sort of like the early Pilgrims who nearly starved when they engaged in communal system before they wised up and changed to an individualistic capitalist system.

    So … perhaps Marx will be going to Mars, if only in spirit. Marxism might become the new Martianism if Musk is to be the central planner.


    • November 1, 2020 at 8:35 am

      Colonizing a planet, where even oxygen and water must be rationed, with Marxist laws will not end well. The early colonies nearly starved to death before rejecting socialism.

    • November 1, 2020 at 9:15 am

      I wonder if Musk has read “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”?

      • November 1, 2020 at 9:24 am

        How about the “Fundamental Declarations of the Martian Colonies”:

        When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for Planets to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected Them with their Home Planet Earth, and to assume with the Earth a separate and autonomous status, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that They should declare the causes which impel Them to the Separation.
        We contend that the great distances and differing Planetary realities among Planets and the Earth have given rise to numerous inequities and misunderstandings.
        We further contend that the representation afforded Planets in any Earth-centered Political Forum cannot provide a sufficient voice for our Needs and Aspirations.
        We, therefore, the Representatives of all Inhabited Regions of the Solar System, met here at the Martian Colonies, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of the Regions, solemnly Publish and Declare, that these Regions are, and of Right ought to be, FREE AND AUTONOMOUS.
        This Declaration implies no malice nor animosity toward the Planet Earth. It recognizes the Authority of the Earth over interplanetary affairs and pledges Full Participation in the Maintenance and Security of the Solar System.
        However, the FREEDOM AND AUTONOMY of these Regions must be considered an inviolable principle, which hereafter, must be honored by all peaceful Governments and will be Defended by these Regions with the full weight of their Honor, their Fortunes, and their Lives.
        SIGNED at these MARTIAN COLONIES, 2062. JOHN HAMMERLICH, GOVERNOR OF THE MARTIAN COLONIES (TOS reference: Spaceflight Chronology)

        Zar Belk!

      • November 1, 2020 at 10:13 pm

        He obviously hasn’t read Pallas by L.Neil Smith.

        I might add that a chain of events as described in Smith’s book are far more likely on Mars than on the second-largest asteroid in the Belt, which would be a pretty silly place to try to colonize to begin with.

        clear ether


    • November 2, 2020 at 1:56 am
      John M.

      Musk, or some other adventurer will make it to Mars and colonize it, but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime. Even if it does I know I’d never qualify as a colonist at my age and physical/medical condition, so they can run their planet any way they damned-well please.

      Just don’t smash my nest-egg to do it!

  • November 1, 2020 at 5:13 am

    Now if the name Mars (the War god) were to be de-gendered by the trans etc. clique, then it would become “Marx.” Fits Musk’s vision perfectly.

    • November 1, 2020 at 11:52 am
      Punta Gorda

      Unfortunately, shipping the communist refuse to their own little 4th planet paradise won’t work. They’ve got a perfectly dysfunctional Venezuela they can go to yet they sit around here on their asses milking the system and shitting all over the place.

      • November 1, 2020 at 1:04 pm

        And all the victims of dysfunction there want to come here to join the milking and shitting that will get them killed there but is welcomed here.

        And as previously discussed the cities here that are either a model for or a copy of the Venezuelan methodology are also on the verge of a giant purge and diaspora overwhelming other places they emigrate to where they can milk and shit some more.

        And maybe that’s their actual plan.

  • November 1, 2020 at 7:05 am
    James McEnanly

    In extreme cases, you can see the effects of socialism from a distance. The first URL is a picture of Berlin from orbit. You can see where East and West Berlin were by the color of the lightbulbs used. The second is Korea, North, and South. You can see South Korea, but North Korea is notable for its absence.

    • November 1, 2020 at 10:55 am

      At least the North Koreans can see the stars.

      • November 1, 2020 at 6:05 pm

        But when was the last time they say a full meal?

  • November 1, 2020 at 11:07 am

    Seems a true saying: The only thing we learn from History is that it repeats itself.

  • November 1, 2020 at 12:38 pm

    In these remaining hours, I notice more people realizing that, at its root, this is not an election between Republican and Democrat, between conservative and progressive, between Constitutionalist and Marxist, but literally between Good and Evil. I am heartened by this clarity breaking through the Enemy of the People’s vile, smoggy fog machine.

    Providence willing, the quiet contemplation of art will be possible once again on Wednesday.

    • November 1, 2020 at 4:46 pm

      It’s right out of Doc Smith’s “First Lensman”:
      Kinnison(Trump) vs Witherspoon(Biden)=Civilization vs Boskone!

      Zar Belk!

      • November 1, 2020 at 10:16 pm

        Anybody who thinks Trump is obnoxious would probably faint dead away about three minutes in a speech by Rod the Rock.

        Let alone when he started yelling on the Lens.

        clear ether


  • November 1, 2020 at 12:41 pm
    Eugene Dillenburg

    I’m sorry, I do not understand this cartoon. Can someone explain? I thought it was obvious that she was talking about museums from the “quiet contemplation of art” line, but no, that is somehow the punchline. I am genuinely befuddled. Any assistance in helping me understand will be sincerely appreciated.

    • November 1, 2020 at 4:10 pm
      CDR 215

      My take is that she is equating blue cities as museums failed cities…

      • November 1, 2020 at 4:11 pm
        CDR 215

        Forgot the “of”- of failed cities.

  • November 1, 2020 at 6:07 pm

    Hmm. Will the Dawgs or Arnie be providing the security while Voting?

  • November 1, 2020 at 6:12 pm
    Punta Gorda

    And now that Netflix is offering kiddie porn, they are raising their prices.

    • November 1, 2020 at 6:41 pm

      I wonder if they got some of their material from Hunter’s Laptop

    • November 1, 2020 at 7:18 pm
      Punta Gorda

      Wouldn’t surprise me.

  • November 1, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    With the systemically infused white (sis) racism of the former museum of modern art fired and gone, San Francisco can now close is systemic white racism style confined to buildings racist tinged art, symbolized by the closing of all art museums in buildings.
    Jan can experience the creativity expressed by all of the remaining San Francisco residents in the patterns they have created in their artistic expression of their lives in the New Streets of San Francisco. (apologies to Carl Malden). The Street is the Art. The patterns of residences on sidewalks, The patterns of sand formed by the flow of human fluids down the hills in the almost rain free regularly mist covered city. The patterns of scat on the streets, sidewalks, bushes, doorways, alleys, and everywhere across the formerly lush and beautifully cultivated plantings humans had previously created in San Francisco. Then the classics of tags, street art, with the old and new political statements flowing into the recent antifa symbolism and ideas they have added. The BLM overlay by that and the other leftists and Soros funded NGO’s. That is but a taste of the artistic smörgåsbord now offered for art enthusiasts to quietly contemplate.
    In addition to quiet contemplation those such as Jan can now enjoy live action and role playing events constantly offered throughout San Francisco. They can witness live action art with examples of riots, arson, murders, and maybe they can be mugged, The possibilities for art are endless. Jan may see, nay, take part in the experience of an attempted Bolshevik Revolution. A color revolution in the most prosperous nation it has been tried in yet. The ruins will be art. The dead bodies art. The opportunities Jan could have.
    This could be true in all of the “blue” cities. The government artists and curators have set the stage and done the preliminaries over the years. This could be their opportunity to create a vast artistic endeavor and have a performance art event beyond parallel.
    Then think of the vote fixing art and voter fraud art that is a contemporaneous event with a limited life span.
    Art lovers, you time has come. Enjoy.

  • November 1, 2020 at 9:05 pm

    Dadaism has nothing on today’s art

    • November 1, 2020 at 10:18 pm

      Today’s art is more Nyetism.

      clear ether


  • November 1, 2020 at 9:06 pm
    Too Tall

    The Future Past

    Does it include Nights in White Satin with Sam? Or perhaps a Tuesday Afternoon?

  • November 1, 2020 at 11:40 pm

    God knows whatever White Male “art” was displayed in that San Fran museum was not what Jan would like to contemplate and almost certainly deserved to be “removed”, but…

    I think that is actually all irrelevant. What it was was another chapter of cultural cleansing, removal of any and all monuments, memorials and mentions of White American Male history, like all the statues. They don’t want any of that.

    Wait until they find out they everything they do want is produced and provided by those WAM’s.

    • November 2, 2020 at 12:19 am

      I was considering discussing how all of the museums and cities would be cancel cultured by this bloom of Bolshevism.
      Note how much of South Africa has been cancelled due to cancel culture Bolshevism and racism. Kill the Boer (farmer) was s ong even the pacifist (?) Nelson Mandela is on record singing and dancing to, as have other South African elected Presidents.
      UK, Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany and other nations have experienced cancel culture. It is a form of warfare. A Malaysian president said that Islam was justified in killing many French to retaliate for the insults to slam. The Taliban and ISIS are recent examples. Palmyra, one of the oldest cities ever, in Syria was dynamited as were the two huge statues of Buddha.
      Sharia when applied, cancels all other cultures. Heads stacked higher than a rider on a horse could see over happened quite often during the cultural cancel culture times Islam imposed,
      We have to choose not to kill today (J. Tiberius K.)
      So far we have done so. That choice is altered in the need to defend oneself. Let us hope that is not required to any significant or pervasive extent. I have grown more peaceful to an extent. I see more value in avoiding the waste. They often say they are not afraid of death. We are not afraid to help you die either. Nor of death while doing so.
      Now those evil ones in power often use deaths to their own twisted desires.

  • November 1, 2020 at 11:44 pm

    As I recall, our host does not hew to things like time changes, so here at the DBD it will be tomorrow in about 15 minutes…which means comment time comes before my bedtime…like I need to waste more of Chris’s bandwidth with my babbling. Still, I like it.



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