
2019 Thank you Skye High Level

Thank you for your support in keeping Day By Day alive!
Below are the items you will receive with this level.
Click on the yellow button to retrieve your downloads.



You will receive these Downloads

  • Download (1) DBD iPhone Banner
  • Download (6) Bill of Rights Phone Wallpapers
  • Download (9) Famous man-hating Jane Walker Scotch wallpaper ads

[/one_half][one_half]You will also receive:

  • (1) Sam/Skye 2019 Card
  • (1) DD Coaster
  • (1) DD Blues Club Member Plastic 2019 Credit Card
  • (1) Big Sam/Skye Cloth
  • (1) CLEARANCE SPECIAL – you get a DBD past prize picked randomly!
  • RESERVED FOR THIS LEVEL ONLY – Select a topic and bring it to life in the DBD world. To make your topic more timely, Artist will contact you near your Publish date (based on order of purchases) & ask you your topic. Very Limited Supply.

*Allow 2 months ARO for delivery for the above items.



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